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Archive for July 2014

From the Unconcious

In the 1990s Adam Yauch would constantly appear in my dreams. I was obsessed with Beastie Boys and he was the one who would always visit my subconscious.

They were never sexual, it was always us just talking. I wrote him a letter explaining the dreams and he wrote me back and eventually we met briefly.

When he passed two years ago, that night he visited me again for the first time in years, and it woke me up and I swear I felt someone squeeze my feet.

Lady night he visited my subconscious in dreamland again. we were walking around a park and he wanted to know why I was following him and I said I had no interest in sex, just talking.

So we decided to go on a little road trip and before we left in the car he grabbed a ladder and put it on the roof.

That's about when I woke up surprised and so happy to have dreamt about him again.

The ladder seemed so significant as it was completely out of place so I looked it up on the google dream interpretation. 

To dream of climbing a ladder symbolizes a step up in terms of accomplishments and greater consciousness. A ladder may likewise suggest that you evaluate and observe situations from a different angle. Alternatively, it symbolizes contemplation and prayer. You are reaching greater heights in reference to your spirituality. 

This interpretation delights me! I have always claimed Adam as a spiritual leader of mine and in addition the last year or so I have been working hard and conciously on my spiritual growth and soul. This dream kind of gives me confidence I am on the right track!

This weekend I'm in N. Carolina taking a weekend workshop with Anna Dabrowska. 10 hours making art must have not only been good for my soul but something I really needed for my well being!

The 2014 Bono Birthday Card

2014 Bono's Birthday Card

Every year the African Well Fund has a fundraiser in honor of Bono's Birthday. Anyone who donates may sign an online card and then i download all the messages and compile them into something handmade.

2014 Bono's Birthday Card

This year is a book of sorts - it ended up being about 4" x 6" and was stitched together using a coptic binding - my first time doing it!

The background is made with duct tape, stencils, masking fluid, acrylic paint and Luminarte Primary Element Pigments. The objects on it are things I found in my collection, i have no idea where they came from at this point but everything seemed to fit together rather perfectly!

2014 Bono's Birthday Card

To see some of the past cards, click here

To visit African Well Fund, click here

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